Week Commencing 23 June 2013

Congratulations following the Masters 10000m Championships on Sunday – to Noel for finishing first woman (as well as the most experienced), and to Steve W on a big PB despite most unsuitable weather conditions.

Training on Monday 23 June : a gentle 10k as most people either raced yesterday or are recovering from injury. Can be fartlekked if anyone feels up to it !

Wednesday 25 June : threshold session on laps of the estate. 2-4 laps depending on your target distance. Or easy laps, for those still recovering.

No beginners’ sessions offered this week since as you know, I’m out of the county both evenings.

Training at the weekend : if not racing, should do a longer session of up to 20k.

Racing at the weekend : on Saturday, a 5000m race in the London Inter-Club Challenge (also, I believe, the Enfield League), at Allianz Park, London (formerly Copthall Barnet). Start at 11:45. I believe at least one person is planning to do this.