Week commencing 25 July 2011

Training at Tilsley Park on Monday 25 July : track : drills and 200m intervals.

Training from Tilsley Park on Wednesday 27th : 800m intervals.

Racing at the weekend : a 5 mile ‘Ilford Open’ is advertised at the Redbridge Cycle Circuit, where some of us have raced before, on Sunday 31st. It is advertised in theĀ Essex Walker as starting at 2:30 but I know no more about it than this.

Week commencing 18 July 2011

Training from Tilsley Park on Monday 18 July : 10k-ish Radley Lakes loop, shorter options avaiable too

Training from Tilsley Park on Wednesday 20 July : laps of the 2.33k circuit.

Racing at the weekend : Saturday 23rd : Half marathon in the Enfield League series, at Hillingdon, at 1 pm. Shorter distances will be timed too.

Training at the weekend : with a few people now looking to do 20k races, longer distance training from 12k upwards will become a regular weekend feature. Given commitments, this will be either on Saturday or Sunday mornings, whichever suits most people. Any preferences for this weekend, if you’re not going to Hillingdon ?

Medals galore !

Congratulations to Steve, who after something of an international incident was confirmed as bronze medal winner in the World Transplant Games 5K in the 40-49 age group !

And also to Noel, Judy and Kevin who went to the Southern RWA 20K championships – Kevin was 3rd man, Noel 3rd woman in a new personal best, and Abingdon Amblers won the women’s team championship !